F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater (2023)

As a young adult, Skip’s career led him to become a counterspy during the cold-war era where he used his natural psychic aptitude as a U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent. He played a key role in the remote viewing intelligence program now known to world by the code name STAR GATE.

For ten years Skip was the Operations and Training Officer for this secret remote-viewing program. He recruited and trained an elite cadre of professional intelligence officers to do remote viewing for the Department of Defence and various members of the national intelligence community. He planned, conducted, and reported thousands of remote viewing intelligence-collection missions.

F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater is the retired President of The Monroe Institute, a world-renowned non-profit organisation conducting research and offering educational programs supporting the evolution of consciousness. He has been part of the growth of the Institute since 1977.

In September 1988, he accepted the position of Research Director in the Bob Monroe Research Lab at the Institute. Since then, he has published technical research on methods for expanding consciousness and assisted hundreds of individuals in experiencing and exploring altered states of consciousness. In December 2006, he became the President of the Institute.

Before beginning his research at the Institute Skip, a retired military officer, was the Operations and Training Officer for the once highly classified U.S. Army Intelligence remote-viewing surveillance program. Skip worked closely with the scientific efforts of SRI International. He trained career-minded professional intelligence personnel to remote view. He then used these highly skilled psychic spies to assess the security threat posed by a hostile government’s exploitation of remote-viewing surveillance.

The Defence Intelligence Agency eventually tasked Skip to respond to US national defence intelligence collection requirements as follow-on to his initial counterintelligence mission. He planned, conducted, and reported thousands of remote viewing intelligence-collection missions for a variety of US intelligence agencies.

Skip has also been a college instructor, scientific investigator, and human behavioural engineer specializing in the design and application of techniques for cultivating propitious states of consciousness for over five decades.

Early in the 1970s he received an associate degree from the University of New York, a baccalaureate degree from the University of Nebraska, and completed his graduate coursework in counselling psychology at the University of Northern Colorado.

Skip says that his true education, his knowledge, refreshes anew every day with his own adventures into the realms of human consciousness.

Skip’s list of published works, public appearances and media exposure

Published Works

  • “Hemi-Sync® Brain-Wave Correlates to Known States of Consciousness as Measured in Conventional EEG Studies,” Hemi-Sync® Journal, Vol. VIII No. 4, Fall 1990.

  • “Hemi-Sync® and the Sleep State,” Hemi-Sync® Journal, Vol. IX No. 4, Fall 1991.

  • “TMI Laboratory Evaluation: The Efficacy of Hemi-Sync® Frequencies,” Hemi-Sync® Journal, Vol. X No. 3, Summer 1992.

  • “From A Dissociative to A Transcendent State: An EEG Definition of the Hemi-Sync® Process,” Hemi-Sync® Journal, Vol. XI No. 1, Winter 1993.

  • “The Evolution and Growth of Human Consciousness Through the Use of Hemi-Sync®,” Information Paper, April 1993.

  • “EEG Brain Mapping of the Hemi-Sync® Process,” OMNI, Vol. 16 No. 1, October 1993.

  • “The Monroe Institute’s Hemi-Sync® Process – A Theoretical Perspective,” Information Paper, August 1995.

  • “The Hemi-Sync® Process,” Information Paper, April 1997.

  • “Accessing Anomalous States of Consciousness with a Binaural Beat Technology,” Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11. No. 3, pp. 263-274, 1997.

  • “Inducing States of Consciousness with a Binaural Beat Technology,” Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on New Science, pp. 11–15, 1997.

  • “Inducing Propitious Altered States of Consciousness via Cortico-Thalamic Adaptation,” Consciousness Research Abstracts, Toward a Science of Consciousness Tucson III, p. 156, 1998.

  • “The Hemi-Sync® Process,” Information Paper, June 1999.

  • “Brain Waves and Oxygen Saturation during an Ancient Religious Ceremony,” The Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 123–133, July 1999.

  • “Exploring Consciousness with the Hemi-Sync® Process,” Proceedings of the 1st International Forum on Consciousness Research & 2nd International Congress on Projectology, pp. 47–54, 1999.

  • “Cortico-Thalamic Adaptation of Binaural Beating,” Consciousness Research Abstracts, Toward a Science of Consciousness Tucson 2000, p. 94, 2000.

  • “Binaural Beats and the Regulation of Arousal Levels,” Proceeding of the IANS 11th Forum on New Arts and Science, pp. 111–134, 2001.

Media Exposure

Skip has been featured on Coast-to-Coast AM, Jeff Rense, and “Lights On” with Nancy Lee radio programs several times and has been on numerous other community talk-radio shows all over the world. Because of his popularity and his level headed, down-to-earth perspectives he is asked to appear on radio shows again and again.

Several magazines with international circulation have also interviewed him for articles about out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, UFOs, and the evolution of human consciousness.

Because of his work at The Monroe Institute and his military experience with remote viewing, Internet search engines recognize Skip’s name. Many websites describe Skip’s activities.

Skip has appeared on television programs shown all over the world, including three appearances on network television in Japan, popular shows in South America, and prominent appearances throughout Europe.  Here are a few examples of just some of the more notable shows:

  • The Healing Mind on the popular Sightings television program.
  • Intuition a public-television documentary from the Life Science Foundation.
  • Psychic Spies on the A&E Television Network Series “The Unexplained.”
  • Ancient Astronauts on The Learning Channel Series Science Frontiers.
  • Beyond Death a two-hour special on the A&E Television Network.
  • The History Channel Series History Undercover.

Public Appearances

Skip spoke regularly at seminars, conferences, and religious services around the world. His workshops and presentations addressed a wide range of topics from everyday life to peak spiritual experiences. Through his multimedia presentations about his work in consciousness at The Monroe Institute and his military experiences with remote viewing, he provided unique insight into the evolution of human consciousness. Skip reached out, helping many to realize their own guided spirit journey through life and their true nature as sentient spiritual beings unconfined by the boundaries of the physical body.

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