Have you ever looked back, awestruck at the infinite number of seemingly random choices and events that led you to where you are—and more importantly, who you are?

Living with Guidance

This book will change your perspective on life

In this Book, F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater—who, as an Army lieutenant, took the initiative that resulted in the creation of the remote viewing intelligence program now known as STAR GATE—looks at the “coincidences” that led him from childhood out-of-body explorations to army counter-­intelligence operations to sessions with consciousness pioneer Robert A. Monroe. The result is a fascinating look at the way spiritual guidance works in our lives.

“Skip‘s book is great, and very well written. Skip creates an insider’s insights into Bob Monroe’s early research beyond the physical. His dedication to scientific documentation and verifiable results brings a heightened level of credibility to the vision that guides The Monroe Institute.”

Shay St. John, Vice president of development, Association of Unity Churches

“I had a few minutes yesterday and picked up Captain of My Ship Master of My Soul … started reding … and now I’ve finished it! A deep spiritual quest—one we can all go on—in the midst of creating a secret psychic spy program for the government? That’s what you’ll learn about, and be inspired by, in this fascinating autobiography. This is a must-read for anyone interested in ESP, remote viewing, or the way spirit can be found in modern life.”

Charles T. Tart, Ph.D., Institute of Transpersonal Psychology

A reader could look at this as a practical guide on how to lead a metaphysical life. Skip Atwater most definitely lives his talk. If you are looking for ground-floor examples of how inner guidance can improve your life or bring focus to your existence, then I strongly recommend you settle in for a while, because it will be hard to stop. But do not just read it, go out and experience it for yourself. This is a beautiful book that comes straight from Skip Atwater’s heart. For everyone who might read this book and benefit from it, thank you, Skip.

The existence of these books are one reason that we are beginning to see significant changes in mainstream scientific opinion about psychic phenomena. Today, only uninformed, hardcore skeptics still argue that these effects are impossible. In contrast, informed skeptics are reluctantly admitting that scientific studies have confirmed the existence of “anomalous” effects that no one can explain.
Skip Atwater’s book is a key chapter in this very important, still-unfolding story. It illuminates a piece of history that until very recently has been shrouded in mystery and intrigue. I trust you will be as thrilled as I was.

Dean Radin, Ph.D., Boundary Institute

In the right place, at the right time

Some people just turn up in the right place, at the right time, with the right preparation to make a difference in the world.

Skip’s story is unassuming, too—which is not to say it isn’t exciting, thoughtful, and mind- expanding. But he doesn’t go out of his way to toot his own horn, and he presents incredible things in a gentle way that will no doubt be lost on those who are jaded by the chaotic, sound-bite sensationalism of media excess—those who have forgotten how to slow down long enough to think. The rest of us will find Skip’s book a breath of fresh air, and a doorway to an endless universe of nothing but possibility—the human mind.

Paul H. Smith, Ph.D., retired army intelligence officer, remote viewer and President, Remote Viewing Instructional Services Inc.